48 Barriers began with a simple question back in 2004: Do you have concrete traffic barriers?
Since this time, our company has excelled as an evolving company, seeking out every avenue to be the only resource our customers ever need to buy concrete jersey barriers. We have developed a wide base of concrete K-Rail for California, to Concrete Traffic Barriers in Texas to Concrete Jersey Barriers in the Northeast to service nearly every state. They go by many different names and we still here new ones, because a product that cannot be found on the shelves goes by a different name depending on the industry.
We take opportunities to find used barriers a new home so that our customers have the best price. Adding new products is not something we do on a whim. Our customers who visit 48barriers.com are looking for a specific product and we want to make sure we can offer them competitive (if not the best) pricing anywhere else, for exactly what they need.
If you still wonder what else we offer, we are glad to answer your questions and provide you with a quote. Just call or e-mail today! You can even ask for me… Kyle 🙂